Saturday, November 29, 2008

Black Friday

My day started at about 4:30am. I had to get up and get ready to go to work...WooHoo...Yeah Right!
I got to work at 5:15am, and really didn't even care I was late.
I had my first person in around 6am.
The day was a LONG day!!!
I was able to score some really good deals online.
Then I got off work, came home, changed and got my butt over to Khol's to score me a few more deals. Then over to KMart where I couldn't find anything, then Target where I got more deals.
Jose was home by the time I got here. Poor baby ended up falling asleep on the floor, where I tried waking him up to go to bible study. He went upstairs and I thought he was showering, but wasn't, he was asleep again.
So I went out to do something for about an hour. Got back and he was showered and awake laying in bed.
We were able to take advantage of the night and lay in bed & watch a movie.
It was a good day!