Tuesday, November 16, 2010

30 days of Thankfulness ~Day 16

Today's Thankfulness is easy peasy, mac n cheesy =)
So a little background to today's post. Anthony has been sick since about Saturday with a cough and his ear bothering him. He went to school sicker than a dog yesterday and even went to practice, but just couldn't get up and do it today.
I took the other 2 to school, came home and got him an appointment with his Doctor. I took him in and when I went to check him in, they told me I didn't have insurance for him. I was shocked, I hadn't a clue, REALLY! So I told the clerk I would call the insurance company to see what was going on. About 20 mins into calls, Delayna was being a monster and I told Ant to take her down and that I would sort it all out at the house. We got into the elevator and by the time we got to the bottom, the receptionist was there waiting for us. She said, "The nurse told me not to let you go." I explained to her what was going on, but she just basically told me that the Doctor is going to see him, even if I don't get the insurance worked out today.
We went to the expedition and I waited for another 20 mins and then sent him up to wait in the waiting room while I finished the call. I got up there again and went to the same receptionist. She explained to me that they can see him for as little as $27. I was shocked, I thought it was near $100 for sure. The nurse came out and talked to Ant while I talked to the receptionist. She said that it's basically up to the Doctor and what she wants to charge us. So after a while, the nurse came out and informed us that the Doctor is going to see Ant and not charge me...WOW!
I was floored! We went in and he was seen, then they informed us that we can go to stater bros to get the prescription filled for around $4.
I headed over there and turned in his prescription and explained to the man behind the counter everything that happened 2 hours earlier with the insurance. He said it would be about 20 mins. We left and then returned. I picked it up and asked how much, and he just said, "Don't worry about it."
WOWEE!!!! My boy was seen and given a prescription all for FREE!
So today my Thankfulness goes out to the Medical Facility, the Doctor, nurse and receptionist and Stater Bros. UNBELIEVABLE!!!


Mrs.J said...

I do not see anything in your blog thta was unbeliveable. Your heavenly father was taking care of you just as you were taking your baby. So happy to hear of your blessings!

P.S. Tisha saw the headline on her cell and told me your blog was about Mac and Cheese..lol