Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My daily concoctions

Everyone knows, before I got pregnant I was doing Weight Watchers & kicking butt!!! I was down 13 lbs in 2 months. I had to stop & ended up losing a bunch of weight & am actually down 7lbs my pre-pregnancy weight.
I am determined to keep it off & continue working out as soon as my body allows it. Well with my daily routine of watching how much I eat, I have a daily concoction of stuff that I take.
Someone was telling me about Apple Cider Vinegar with Mothers when I was doing WW. I didn't buy into it.
Well, when Delayna was about a week old, we were having issues breastfeeding & I thought we had thrush. So I called a lactation consultant & she told me about the Apple Cider Vinegar w/ Mothers. I have been taking it since. It's not the best, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, right. It seems to be doing the trick on my body though. I previously had HORRIBLE stomach issues & haven't had any since taking all of my vites.
Here is a pic of what I take:

From left to right:
Apple Cider Vineger (1tbs), Fenugreek (2), Blessed Thistle Herb (2), Flax Seed Oil (3), Cranberry Juice (I warm this up & add the ACV to it & drink it while taking the vitamins).
Not the best, but it's all worth it!