Saturday, December 27, 2008

On The Countdown...36 weeks=9 months

Yeah, it's official!
I am 9 months pregnant or 36 weeks exactly today...WOOHOO
I am stoked, because that means baby is here SOON, but I am sad, because this is it.
As I type, the baby is doing flips in my belly. I can see it rolling around, pushing, kicking,stretching. Somethings that you can NEVER replace or re-do unless your pregnant. Nothing a man will ever experience and something I pray every woman can experience.
Jose and I went to see Dr. Hordynski on Tuesday, the 23rd.
We talked to him about the c-section, got the date, time in hospital, and sibling rules.
So our official birthdate is....
January 20, 2009 our time is 12:00pm Good numbers (yeah, I'm a number dork!)
So I will be going and seeing Dr. Hordynski every week until I have the baby. It's only 3 weeks, but it seems so far away.
He also took me off of work. Friday was my last day. I am VERY happy about that! I am going to miss seeing the girls everyday, but physically I was getting worn down FAST!
I now get to focus on my LONG 'to do list' and get things marked off before I have the baby.
Having a date puts things into perspective.
My dad & Star came over last night and brought me a Peg Perego high chair (I secretly wanted one of these. They fold up WAY compact!), a Graco MetroLite Stroller (the baby's carseat fits in it) and a toddler carseat (I don't need another, so I will be giving this away). Very nice stuff! My friend Kindra also informed me that she will be giving me her neutral baby jammies, which I need desperately. So VERY excited about that!!!!
I think that's about it. Anthony took some pics last night of my bellah & here they are...

Ant's head "hiding" behind my bellah

Laying on my bellah

Just thought this was cool

Side View

Front View...Hey, are those abs up there!?!

That's it until another day. I don't think I will be growing too too much, but I will keep up until I have the baby!