Well, I got tired of Delayna being in my room. Not in a bad way, I just wanted my room back. So I started Friday afternoon revamping & cleaning Adriana's room to make room for Delayna.
It ended up taking me two day to complete it...My back is killing me & I am completely exhausted, but it's done.
My girls have their room, here are pics...
Looking in from the doorway
Baby Dee's Crib
Delayna's dresser & Adi's shelves
Little's bed & vanity
Bed, vanity, door & crib
And here she is, sleeping in the 'big girl's room' for the first time
I just hope it all goes well. It was hard on my heart to do it, but I know I can still enjoy her while she makes her transitions ;-)
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Moved Up To The Big Girl Room
Posted by This Is Me, Doing What I Do at 2:31 PM 3 comments
Labels: Adriana, Bedroom, Big Girl, Delayna, milestone, Sissy, Transition
Friday, July 10, 2009
Yaaaaaa I won!!!!
Ack, I've won 2 prizes from IE mommy. The first on was a shirt that I won for either Jose or Ant, we'll see who it fits and now today I won a Girly Baby Headband. I am SO stoked!!! Especially to win this headband, because I LOVE dressing my Baby Dee up! She's just SO cute and to dress her up as a BLAST!!!!
Thank You Christine! And if you want to join in, you can follow her blog at IE Mommy. Hope to see you there!!!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Never Say Never
Don't judge, less you be judged!
I know we have all heard that time and time again, but do we really abide by it?
There was an episode on Oprah of a Principle that accidentally left her 23 mos old baby in the car that died to heat exhaustion.
My mom and I watched the episode & my mom sat and griped through the whole episode. I understand the angst that she had in this mother, but it was a complete accident.
Then today I was doing a search to find it & found comments on people that bashed this mother.
Well, my mom & I learned our lesson.
Tuesday morning I woke up and was getting ready to take Adriana to school. Normally, Delayna & Dominic are still asleep, so I leave them to sleep with Anthony. Not this morning, they both woke up. SO, I woke Ant up to come down stairs with Dominic to watch t.v. and took Delayna with me to take Adriana to school.
I got home, came in the house, made me a cup of coffee & offered Dominic some breakfast. Then I sat down at the computer to check my emails.
Then something hit me, about 15 mins after being in the house...DELAYNA IS STILL IN THE TRUCK!
I ran outside, where my mom was sitting on the porch smoking her nasty cigarette. She asked me what my problem was as I freaked out and unlocked my truck.
I jumped into the back to grab a surprisingly happy (and yes, warm) baby from the truck and pulled her out.
I told her, in complete shock, "I left Delayna in the truck. I forgot that I took her!"
She about flipped & started crying. I was just greatful that the Holy Spirit quickened me and reminded me that my baby was in the truck before it was too late!
I reminded her of the program on Oprah and told her, "That could have been me!"
As I sit here typing this, I am so greatful to the Lord for protecting my baby & getting my attention.
A lesson learned on not only staying focused on all situations, but also to not judge.
Posted by This Is Me, Doing What I Do at 4:34 PM 3 comments
Labels: Accident, Delayna, God, Holy Spirit, Me, Mom, Praise
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Word Filled Wednesday
WORSHIP~the purpose of which is to give honor or worth to God
Once again, I have been hit HARD by one of my emails. Here it is...
Faith Book
8 Jul 2009
Susanne Scheppmann"They stood where they were and read from the Book of the Law of the Lord their God for a quarter of the day, and spent another quarter in confession and in worshiping the Lord their God." Nehemiah 9:3 (NIV)
A new addiction slipped into my life recently - Facebook. Internet social networking slid in quietly and unobtrusively. Each day I found myself reading and posting a bit more. I learned how to create my visual bookshelf, so my "friends" could check out what I was reading. I linked my blog. My time seeped into Facebook like grains of sand slide through the hourglass.
My addiction soon took a turn for the worst. I began to put off my personal quiet time with God until after I had Facebooked. Sadly, scripture seemed boring next to my friends' postings. Strangely, the mundane posts intrigued me. I had fallen under the spell of social networking.
Then one day, I dragged myself away from my laptop. I had Bible study that night and needed to finish my lesson. The lesson pointed us to the book of Nehemiah. I read, "They stood where they were and read from the Book of the Law of the Lord their God for a quarter of the day, and spent another quarter in confession and in worshiping the Lord their God." (Nehemiah 9:3, NIV).
Yikes! They read God's Word for a quarter of the day, then spent another quarter of the day in confession and worshiping? These words haunted me the rest of the afternoon. When was the last time I spent that much time with God? How much time did I spend on the Internet? I felt a deep conviction about my Facebook addiction.
I determined that day to read my Bible, my FaithBook, before I turned on my computer each day. I would network with God, before networking with my friends. When I made this decision, I saw scripture jump back to life. God's Word spoke to me with a freshness that seemed as if He had just posted it Himself.
The addiction stopped. Oh, I still enjoy Facebook and other social networks, but I have learned to keep them in proper perspective. Psalm 119:59-60 sums up my new intent: "I pondered the direction of my life, and I turned to follow your laws. I will hurry, without delay, to obey your commands" (NLT).
Will you join me in the commitment to spending time in God's Word before time spent on Facebook?
Dear Lord, I recognize that I spend too much time on the computer. Forgive my inattention to Your Word. Help me each day to place You first in my life. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Related Resources:
Listen to Today's Radio Show for more about spending time with God.
Pierced by the Word by John Piper
Birds in My Mustard Tree: How to Grow Your Faith by Susanne Scheppmann
For more from Susanne, visit her blog as well as her resource page
Application Steps:
Today, take notice of how much time you spend on the computer for personal enjoyment. Decide to make your quiet time with God a priority. Read Psalm 119 and then ponder the benefits of time spent in God's Word.
Do I put off my quiet time with God in lieu of "social networking?"
Am I willing to commit more time to reading the Bible?
How can I begin to keep my life in a healthy balance?
Power Verses:
Exodus 24:7, "Then he took the Book of the Covenant and read it to the people. They responded, 'We will do everything the Lord has said; we will obey.'" (NIV)
Romans 10:17, "Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ." (NIV)
Joshua 1:8, "Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful." (NIV)
© 2009 by Susanne Scheppmann. All rights reserved.
Posted by This Is Me, Doing What I Do at 8:14 PM 4 comments
Labels: Word Filled Wednesday, Worship
Monday, July 6, 2009
Sweet Smell Of PineSol
Sweet Smell of PineSol
3 Jul 2009
T. Suzanne Eller"Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.'" Matthew 19:14 (NIV)
I admit it. I'm the world's worst when it comes to preserving photos. I have boxes of photos stacked in various cubbyholes. I tried to organize the pictures once. I divided them and placed them in large envelopes. My next step was to put them in albums. They are still in the envelopes—stacked in a box.
Melissa, Ryan, and Leslie are now in their 20's and newly married. The chances of me ever getting these precious memories organized are slim to none, but I'm realizing something powerful. Memories aren't limited to pictures.
Remember when, Mom…? is a common phrase in my house now. We have become the hub, a privilege once reserved for my husband's parents. At holidays and special weekends, they drive up, unload luggage and pile into the guest rooms. We laugh and reminisce a lot around the table. Remember when we went on treasure hunts in the pasture? Remember when you jumped on the bed and popped Ryan up in the air so high it scared you? Remember that yellow Slip N' Slide?
I do remember. But I also remember a young mom who worried that her house wasn't spotless when an unexpected guest showed up. I remember the angst of trying to do everything and the fatigue when my day ended before my chores did.
But there were days that I threw caution to the wind and jumped on the bed, even though it might make others frown. I grabbed a shovel and gave the kids plastic buckets and we looked for old bottles and trinkets at the abandoned homestead nearby. We mixed Dawn dishwashing liquid and water and I laughed out loud as the kids flew like greased lightening across the yellow slippery slide. Some of those memories were captured in that pre-digital age, but most were not, but they are etched on the heart of my young adult children.
They reminisce about what we did together. They don't reminisce about the smell of PineSol. Whether my house was perfect or how it compared to others' isn't even on their radar. It makes me wonder why I worried about it. Is it good to have order and structure? Sure. But don't allow the pressure to be the perfect mom keep you from the beauty of simply playing with your children. The unmade bed will still be there, but I promise that a child will grow quickly and leave the nest.
Take a moment today and look past the clutter and the to-do list and play like a child again. It might not be a picture-perfect moment, but it will be a memory.
Dear Lord, time passes so fast. Slow me down, God. Let me enjoy the smallest pleasures around me. Let me play with my child instead of knocking down a to-do list. Let me laugh with my teen instead of fussing at him. Thank You for the sweet memories of today. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Related Resources:
Join us for more Everyday Life encouragement
Real Issues, Real Teens: What Every Parent Needs to Know by T. Suzanne Eller
Go to Suzie's blog where she shares "Are You in Your Teen's Cluster?" (Chapter Three of Real Issues, Real Teens) and check out her other books here.
Application Steps:
Carve out time today to play. Turn off the TV. Put down the schedule. It doesn't have to be an event. Just play.
Are you better suited to a schedule? Mark a day for play. Protect it. Give it the importance it is due.
s life too busy? What is one nonessential task or activity that you can eliminate?
Does play seem foreign to you? Jump on the bed. I know. It's crazy, but do it anyway. Break the seriousness cycle.
Will we really care that much about what others might say?
Power Verses:
2 Samuel 6:14, "David, wearing a linen ephod, danced before the Lord with all his might..." (NIV)
© 2009 by T. Suzanne Eller. All rights reserved.
You are subscribed as: jaamnherrera@aol.com
Proverbs 31 Ministries
616-G Matthews-Mint Hill Road, Matthews, NC 28105
877-P31-HOME (877-731-4663)
Posted by This Is Me, Doing What I Do at 9:15 AM 2 comments
Friday, July 3, 2009
We got home late Monday night.
Tuesday morning we slept in just past 9am. I got up, did my mama duties for the morning & headed out to get the truck unloaded, vacuumed & car seats out to be washed. Did a few loads of laundry & the car seats.
Wednesday I decided to clean house and go through some stuff a friend of mine brought over. It was so blasted hot that instead of putting clothes away & more cleaning, Dominic, Delayna & I all went outside to play with water balloons...That was FUN!
Thursday I had to get up & get things lined up and ready so I could head out to my Aunt Cheryl's house to pick up my boy. He went with my Aunt & Cousins up to Denver to visit my cousin Robin, Hammond's Candy Factory & of course,,,Invesco Field at Mile High (I will get a post up about that later...PROMISE!)
From my Aunts we went to Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory (let's just say, my Mom is addicted!) then to Costco to get some stuff that was desperately needed in the Herrera House!
Then home to unload & put stuff away, then off to James & Gail's house for Sarah's 15th birthday dinner/party.
I woke up this morning at 9am, I actually got to sleep in with all the kids here, plus Devin. That was a miracle!
But, I just feel drained!!! I have cleaned here & there. I've done a few loads of laundry, but not all put away. I've vacuumed about 5,000 times & kept the kitchen clean, but just not alot of anything.
I think I need a day to sleep, but I don't forsee that in my future.
Jose's on his way home now. I have the shrimp marinating, the dressing made & the salad waiting to be put together.
We have to get up early tomorrow morning to get ready & head out to my Grandma Wallace's house to visit with some of the family that is heading out for the 4th.
I have LOTS of posts I need to catch up on, so please be patient with me. I promise they'll get done. In the mean time if you see a bunch of jumbled letters, just know...
I fell asleep at the keyboard
Posted by This Is Me, Doing What I Do at 4:57 PM 1 comments
Labels: Busy, catching up, cleaning, family, Tired
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Heat+Sun+Dominic+Mama+Water Balloons= A Fun Time & Cheap Way To Stay Cool!!!
While in Co. I realized how accustomed to t.v. Dominic is. We didn't do much t.v. watching & we decided not to take the Wii. After MUCH observation & a MAJOR gut check, I realized that I have allowed the t.v. to be Dominic's babysitter & entertainer for WAY too long!
I made a decision on the way home that it wouldn't happen any more, no matter how dirty my house was, how much laundry I have to do, etc.
So, we came back to a HOT So. Cal. and I took advantage. Dominic, Delayna & I all went out and played with water balloons & the hose. Here are some pics...
Super Glue & a 10 Year Old Girl
Oh Yeah! I am beyond angry right now.
Adriana went over to her friend Gwen's house today & they put on 'fake' nails. Well, 2 of Adriana's nails popped off, and then she decided to take 2 more off.
Well, I get ready to come over to my desk to put some recipes on my blog & I find my lovely daughter not only glued her nails back on, but she has 3 huge dollops of super glue on my desk & a drop on my laptop.
I don't know what to do with this girl. She's an extremely helpful, sweet, smart, fun, loving girl. But man, she does not know how to use her head when it comes to common sense. Nor does she listen to you when you are telling her something.
Then when she's being reprimanded she looks at you like you've just torn her world apart & is dumb founded by it all. I just don't know what to do with her. Any suggestions?
Posted by This Is Me, Doing What I Do at 5:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: Adriana, Angry, frustrated, Me
I'm A Whooty!
OK, so Dominic, Delayna & I were all outside playing in the water (pics to come) and I heard a song come on the radio. I started listening to it & it said my name. Then I really started paying attention. After it was over, I got online to look up the lyrics & guess what...
I'm A Whooty!!!! You see growing up, I was ALWAYS teased about my big booty. Well lookie now, I could be a Whooty (although, what is put out is not me, so for fun, I'm posting)
Here's the lyrics (the video is just a little much for me!)...
she's a whooty, a white gurl witha booty
she's a whooty, a white gurl witha booty
she's a whooty, a white gurl witha booty
she's a whooty, a white gurl witha booty
i know this gurl named melissa and her ass the soffest tissue
she got everybody hatin' cuz her booty is official
i say "whooty" they say "whooty?" i say "white gurl wit a booty"
and it seem like when i look around it's contagious like the cootie
im talkin 36, 24, 48
her last boyfriend left her back at home cuz he thought she was overweight
you ain't gotta put no d's on it
i jus wanna squeeze on it
call me --- aka the black hugh hefner now freeze on it
she's a whooty, a white gurl witha booty
she's a whooty, a white gurl witha booty
she's a whooty, a white gurl witha booty
she's a whooty, a white gurl witha booty
baby go on flash me like gurls gone wild
am star you da idol of the town
gurl wita whooty white girl wita booty oh you so purtty
party get the wild bills in the high heels and the crowd go "YEAH"
yeah oh yeahh oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah
and the crowd goes wild cuz that gurl gotta whootay
she tan bout 2 times a week in da club bout 3 times a week
and if i had to grade her like a mountain she is at her peak
she's a whooty, a white gurl witha booty
she's a whooty, a white gurl witha booty
she's a whooty, a white gurl witha booty
she's a whooty, a white gurl witha booty
her mama thinks she fat but we like all of that
and her daddy think she black but lil mama got that back
see her boyfriend don't like her and her friends want to fight her
she's VH1, BET, MTV jam a the